

As age progresses, the eyelids stretch and the muscles that support them weaken, this causes the accumulation of fat above and below the eyelids...


Orthoplasty or cosmetic surgery of the ears is a procedure that is performed to reposition the prominent ears to a more normal position...


Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in cosmetic surgery. It consists of modifying the shape of the nose to change its appearance...

Liposuccion de cuello

Excess fat deposits in the chin and neck can give the feeling of being overweight. For this you can perform neck liposuction that improves the contour...


Facelift is an aesthetic surgical procedure to give a younger look to the face, with this you can reduce sagging or skin folds in the cheekbones and jaw line...


Bichectomy is a minimally invasive technique in which bichat bags are removed, that is, fat clusters located within the oral space. In this way it is possible to profile..

Treatment of expression lines

Factors such as the passage of time, stress, sun, environmental pollutants accentuate wrinkles on the face, whether static, that is, those that do not change with gestures and remain....

Smoothes the skin

Hyaluronic acid is a great alternative for the beauty of your skin. That substance can create a mesh that favors the proper functioning of the tissues...

Rinomodelacion Sin Cirugía

Rhinomodelation without surgery is an aesthetic treatment that shapes the nose through the infiltration of fillers that involves the modification of different...


Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that uses microneedles for the induction of collagen that leaves the skin smoother...

PRP Plasma Rico en Plaquetas

Platelet Rich Plasma is an aesthetic treatment that promotes cell regeneration, this helps to achieve a brighter and smoother skin, with better texture, less sagging and less wrinkles....

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